PIT feels it is always better to preserve than to destroy. It curtails threats before they become problems as well as putting a stop to dangerous unearthly phenomenon. PIT is equipped to investigate, and, if necessary, fight deadly paranormal phenomena of all sorts. Stated Purpose/Goals/Motives: The Bureau is a public, governmental organization whose goal is to protect humanity from the paranormal and the inexplicable. Other members of note include the ghostly Scooter (PNE-1439) and the slimy Joe Slick (a supernatural being). These individuals lead various subdivisions of PIT. Notable Members: Peter Jones (“The Commander”) Wendy Blakemore (“The Warden”) Elga Dingler (“The Inventor”) Normand Rants (“The Investigator”) Jean-Louis Marchand (“The Archivist”). However, PIT agents can be found in small numbers throughout Titan City, the United States, and even the rest of the world, following various leads related to the supernatural. As a government organization, PIT also has access to such facilities as the Titan City Coast Guard launch pad, where they can land helicopters or other aircraft. Secret Service, construction of their headquarters in what is now South Titan began shortly thereafter, and the original building has been continuously refitted to accommodate the latest technology and discoveries. Location: The Bureau of Paranormal Investigation and Tracking was founded in the late 1800's. It occasionally exercises law-enforcement powers, but it primarily performs investigations and deals with areas where legal status is vague or simply irrelevant. Legal Status: The Bureau of Paranormal Investigations and Tracking is a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, an American federal agency. Summary: The Bureau of Paranormal Investigations and Tracking is a government agency dedicated to capturing and studying paranormal objects and entities.