3 finger salute
3 finger salute

3 finger salute

If they couldn’t legitimately win elections they decided they would just take over the government by force. In the 2020 elections, the governing parties won another landslide election, but the military had other plans. Subsequently, during the period from 2013 - 2021, Myanmar experienced explosive growth and progress.

3 finger salute

They held the first democratic elections in 2015, won in a landslide by the National League for Democracy (NLD) party. Around 2013, the military announced a move to a more democratic government, even though they would still retain some power. The Junta lined their own pockets with money from projects meant to benefit the country, while their people starved and plunged into poverty. During that time Myanmar went from a shining star in Southeast Asia to one of the poorest countries in the world. The last military coup occurred in 1962 and was followed by nearly 60 years of military rule. The OFP fundraisers interact with donors and fund recipients globally, collecting funds and sending humanitarian assistance to Myanmar directly. The CRPH established the Official Fundraisers Program (OFP) in April 2021, which helps connect various Myanmar fundraisers around the world to streamline donation collections and to effectively distribute funds to people in Myanmar. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) is a Myanmar legislative body, representing a group of National League for Democracy lawmakers and members of parliament ousted in the 2021 Myanmar coup d’etat. We know that trust is crucial in building our community and we are a certified official fundraiser of CRPH OFP program. Certification required application, multiple interviews, presentation of our project and doxxing (including providing passport copy). So at this time it is very dangerous for our team to reveal ourselves. The Junta is doing everything they can to isolate the country and control the narrative, limiting internet access and shutting down all legitimate media and journalism. have been placed on Junta Blacklists for arrest. At this time in Myanmar, people from the creative community - artists, celebrities, actors, filmmakers, musicians etc. We are a collective of filmmakers and digital artists specializing in 2D and 3D design.

3 finger salute